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Home > Best Ads
Best Ads of the August 2017
Hossein Khatibi
Mr. Hossein Khatibi, CEO of Noor Marketing and Advertising Center, is the guest judge for selecting the best TV and radio ads in August 2017.
Dr Hossein Khatibi is psychiatrist and DR of social communication science and teacher of academy has more than 2 decades activities on advertising department by concervation on psychologist propaganda and communication and deputy of Noor Marketing and Advertising Center.
  • Advertising consultant of electional DR Hassan Rouhani group in 1396
  • Production manager and advertising of electional of DR Hassan Rouhani group in 1396
  • Advertising consultant of electional group of DR Hassan Rouhani group in 1392
  • Executive secretory of first national brand seminar in 1392 strategic research center department of diagnosis of the expediency system.
  • Invention of national brand design in field behavior.
  • Presenter of the theory of the point of investment in concept production and cultural flow.
Best TV Ads
Best TV Ads of the August 2017 by Guest Judge Hossein Khatibi

Selected TV ads
  1. Takdaneh: New Packaging
    In this teaser, it has been tried to show the vitality of eating fresh juices in a creative and fancy way. These effects are beautiful, fun and tangible in the images and are aimed at the intended purpose and the desired effect on the audience.
  2. Alton: Kitchen Appliance
    In this teaser with creative design and creative performance, the comfortable routine is shown in a modern kitchen.
  3. Ziba: Kitchen Appliance
    In this simple, minimal from TV and in a functional area, introduces a large number of products with a well designed rendition.
    Mean while, with visual simplicity and beautifulness and creative layout, it reveals hearty images to the audience, complemented by a perfect slogan.
  4. Dorna: Pancake Powder
    In this TV ad, presenting pictures of the rhythmic, stylish and tangible feel of todays life with a familiar movement that shakes the pack of this pancake, introducts this product in to the minds of the customer and survives.
    It also shows a comprehensive, complete and adequate presentation of the product.
Best Radio Ads
Best Radio Ads of the August 2017 by Guest Judge Hossein Khatibi

Radio Selected ads
In 4 selective radio teasers, it has been tried to select teasers in order to select the special feature of the album in terms of the originality of the music and the song, the sound effects and the desired sound, the teasers that are intriguing in terms of drama and charm.

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